Curriculum Statement - Science

‘Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work.’ – Thomas Edison

Powerful Knowledge in Science


  • Manipulation of equations. Units etc.
  • Force arrows and what they represent (and so motion and Newton’s laws)
  • Models of voltage and current (electricity)
  • What a wave is (wavelength, frequency amplitude etc)
  • Conservation of energy (linking to stores and formula)


  • Particle model: How particles behave in solids, liquids and gases. How particles behave in chemical and physical changes.
  • Law of conservation of mass, including balancing equations.
  • General Equations
  • Atomic Structure, including sub-atomic particles.
  • The Periodic Table. How it links to atomic structure.
  • Types of mixtures and separating techniques theory
  • Collision Theory
  • Opposites attract (KS4)
  • Moles (KS4)


  • Cells & the cell cycle – plant cells, animal cells, bacterial cells. Mitosis & Meiosis
  • Movement across membranes – including osmosis diffusion and active transport
  • Biological Systems – mass transport in animals (incl. the heart, lungs, circulatory system) in plants (including transpiration & translocation), nervous system, reproductive system, endocrine system, respiratory system)
  • Biochemistry and cycling of elements
  • Monomers and polymers of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins
  • Maintenance of a constant internal environment – homeostasis (blood glucose levels, temperature, water regulation)
  • Genes/inheritance – DNA structure, Monohybrid inheritance, Uses of DNA in protein synthesis
  • Reproduction – hormones involved, contraception, infertility and treating infertility
  • Chemical reactions in Biology
  • Photosynthesis and respiration


Curriculum Features

Taught in specialisms; Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Covers the national curriculum but focuses on identified threshold concepts / powerful knowledge (see above). More time is devoted to these concepts and a mastery learning philosophy is promoted.

There is a large focus on understanding concepts through;

  • Testing prior knowledge
  • Explanation
  • Formative assessment / questioning
  • Practice
  • Feedback
  • Interleaving and self-testing are a feature of the curriculum and independent study.

Practical Work – There is always a focus to practical work;

  • Knowledge
  • Procedure and techniques
  • Scientific enquiry.

Marking – Marking of threshold concepts identified within individual schemes of work (approx. 1 in 6 lessons). May take the form of:

  • Low stake testing
  • 6-mark Questions
  • Practical/Data Questions
  • Other.


  • Periodic Tests for Assessment
  • Ad hoc Tests for Learning


Co-Curriculum Enrichment

We provide a variety of enrichment for a number of reasons;

  • To promote a love of the subject.
  • Increase at uptake at KS4, 5 and beyond.
  • Narrow attainment gaps.
  • Promoting STEM Careers.
  • Stretch / Challenge / Aspirations.
  • Promote oracy / rhetoric


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